
My kitty loves to have pressure put on her sinuses. I think she has headaches a lot, and weird respiratory problems. I should trepanate her widdle head. Free the cat brain!

I took the day off of work because we're moving to a new building and I would not have anything to do, as nothing was hooked up yet. It is good as I really needed a break from a place that is already emotionally draining. I was feeling pretty sad in the morning until Jenja and I hit a stoplight on Broad Street, just as the big rough and tough contractor in the truck next to us flicked his cigarette butt out the window. It landed on the hood J's car, right in in air vent for the air conditioning. I stared with shock. Jen being a normally volatile personality, I expected her to explode, but she just stared too, with her jaw completely hanging open. We looked back and forth between each other, to the hood of the car, to the dude, to the hood. The rough guy looked shocked himself. He shrugged his shoulders apologetically and looked like he wanted to say something, but I wouldn't open the window for him. (scary men on the road scare me.) All Jen and I could say was "whoa" like freakin Joey Lawrence. The ashes were still burning, and sort of tumbling on the rubber of the windshield wipers, and I was afraid they would melt it. Soon we started smelling smoke in the car, and Jen started laughing, and was like 'aww man now it has to stink in here too!" The man looked all embarassed, and came out of his car and plucked the cigarette from the vent. Right at that busy intersection. He gave us a sheepish smile and we did a hand-wave to show that all was well. It was very strange, and amusing. I do not do it justice in the description. At any rate I felt better, just because of the awkwardness of that tough man's reaction. Again I cannot really explain, but I like that strange little episodes like that can happen. A comical world. My heart was lightening. Then I had 'sky blue' eye-tal-yon ice and my mouth became like a smurf. It was pretty amazing, yet hideous.

We were going to see A.I. tonight, because I want to see it before I read any reviews. I like to be surprised!! But Jen had a headache from her TMJ so we didn't go. I was sad to hang around home but it turned out to be OK because through bizarre circumstances I ended up quelling the bitterness between Mr. Bernie and I. (I.E. the ex-beau who wanted to be in "Miss Kitty and the Flaming Tigers" and who I enjoy calling gay.) Two years later, complete and total closure. It does happen, my friends. And he even admitted he was wrong! It is nice, to be able to think of his little spirited DIY ass without wanting to barf. Well I hadn't for a year at least. Now we are going to make bad art and stuff and I don't even want him near my coochie. (2 graphic 4 UR werkplace!!! :D :D :D) He lives in AZ. So that is not really an issue!! But all the same, he is banned, and I am glad, and yet full of luv.

I notice that I have gotten cutesy and misspell things on purpose now while communicating online. Shoot me dead.

I am so sleepy. I have been dabbling with livejournal a little. LOOK. I really thought I had more to say. I will make more creative entries soon, more than just important aspects of my day! I really do nothing of interest to anyone!